What a wonderful [NOT] surprise Addy had waiting for me this morning, when I got up—45 minutes late. A mouse. A dead mouse. Laying on my sleeping bag, which Addy of late had confiscated for her own.
Lemme start from the beginning…a couple of nights ago. It was a cold and stormy night [okay, well maybe not stormy, but the temp was about 45F], I’m sitting in bed, sipping my tea, watching a movie, when something caught my eye—scurrying across the floor. EEEEEuuuuwww…I HATE MICE. Can’t stand the disgusting little buggars, regardless of how cute and helpful Cinderella makes them seem. Great, just one more thing to think about during the insanity of trying to find a job, midterms, and figuring out where to put everything that I’m unpacking. I’m sure he was just seeking refuge from the cold. Don’t care. My house. My rules. No rodents. Promising myself I’d look into solutions the next day, I went to sleep. Well, next day came and panic set in about 2 upcoming midterms and 2 papers—all due/occurring over the next two weeks. So little furry guest was forgot about…until last night. In fact, since nothing was seen or heard from him again, starting thinking perhaps it was just a dream.
Until last night….I awoke at some ungodly hour to my dog playing and jumping around. Not really thinking anything of it, I fussed at her to lay down, which she did [although—in hindsight THANKFULLY—not on the bed!]. So later I, awoke, not to the sound of my alarm, but suddenly and quickly [you know, that feeling you have when you wake up and KNOW that you’ve overslept]. I jump out of bed and am heading for the shower without glasses when I noticed something on the sleeping bag [aside from the dog], I bend down for a closer look, about to grab it when my brain registers that it’s a dead mouse. I jump back with a little scream, which apparently Addy mistook for playing so she jumps up, picks up the mouse [like she does her toys] and flings it across the room, chases it and picks it up and brings it to me [at which point if she has a TOY we play tug-of-war], but I AM NOT playing tug-of-war with a RODENT, with its dead tail hanging haphazardly out of my dog’s mouth. I’m screaming at her to drop it. Heartbroken and confused why Momma’s not excited about her new toy, Addy drops it and sinks to the floor pouting…
Damn dog. But good dog for taking care of the mouse. You know Samson used to act more like a dog than a cat, well apparently I now have a dog who loves to hunt mice. Fine by me, because the real question is how many more are illegally housing themselves in my humble abode…
PS—I guess it’s a lot better than finding a 7 foot python in your toilet, like the lady in Brooklyn did last week [upon finding it, as she was going to the bathroom in the middle of the night, she slammed the lid down and tried to flush it….needless to say—but saying it anyway—it didn’t help.] Both plumbers and firefighters were called in to remove the snake…
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