11 June 2008

But Of Course,

I have lots of catching up to do as per my trip. That might be something fun and exciting to do at DFW in my 2 hour layover. So far, the trip has been fabulous. Mostly a big blur and I can't believe that I only have 3 days left. I'm not ready to leave....and yet, I am ready to be back in NYC (but for the heat, which is about the same as it is here, but you KNOW how much hotter the city and all the asphalt feels), lovin' on my Addy. In case you're wondering, Stella is great. I think adjusting rather well to being an outdoor pupcicle, but seems happy to see me. Momma's built her the taj mahal of puppy pens to keep her from chasing goats--but more importantly to keep her safe from the cows when no one's around to protect her (aka Teresa).

Alright, will fill you in on more later (wedding was FABULOUS and SIMPLE!!), but now it's off to breakfast with Rhonda, lunch with Kathy, dinner with Gretchen and David, lunch tomorrow with Momma, Carole, Jeannie Bel, and Tante Pilly, dinner tomorrow with Emily and David, lunch friday with Wayne and Sharon, and dinner with Bubba, Lauren, and the girls (and Momma), then on the plane Saturday morning. Nice to know I have all my meals planned out!! :)


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