03 March 2008

Are You Fucking Kidding Me???

It's nearly time for glasses, as well it's getting hard to see through the scratches and everytime I bend over to pick something up, they slide down my nose and fall off....

So, biting the bullet--I stop in at a what-is-advertised to be a less expensive option for glasses. I ask--because of course my last eye exam was 2 years ago and I need a new prescription--how much for an exam. Okay $40, well that's a heck of a lot cheaper than what I was paying in Fredericksburg, so I'm happy with that. Make an appointment and return at said appointment time. Appointment goes well, not toooo painful, and EUREKA! my prescription has not changed a bit. Of course....so I go out to select my new frames. The UBER cool sales lady was all to eager to help and--unlike most salespeople who just like to agree with you--would actually tell me when a pair looked bad (girl, take those off now--I don't care if you love them, they are NOT for you!)...UBER cool sales lady also mentions that right now they're having a sale (YAY!), buy 1 pair get frames on a 2nd pair free (so you're just paying for lenses)...I cave and select 2 fabulous pairs of frames....sigh...now lets talk price.

Any guesses on what ONE pair of frames, TWO sets of lenses (with anti-glare, anti-scratch, and one set with transition lenses)?


No, don't adjust your screen, clean your glasses, or spit out your coffee/tea/beer. You read that correctly 1000 bucks. HA HA HA HA HA HA I laugh, because at that point what could you do? I told her that a) I was a poor Columbia grad student and just wrote an INSANELY large tuition check and b) CANNOT spend what is equivalent to my RENT on TWO pairs of glasses....sorry, ONE pair of glasses and an additional set of lenses! She graciously offered to drop it down to $800. I graciously declined, asked for my prescription, and left.

ahhh...the joys of living in NYC...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, chickie. Don't waste $$ on the transition lenses; I've heard nothing but bad things from the people who've gotten them!