03 November 2007

Fingers Crossed!

Well this past week, I had job interviews [3 total] at Borders and they seemed fairly interested in me, they're checking my references over the next couple of days [so if you get a call--lie and be nice and tell them how fabulous I am!] and in theory will let me know something soon...

Of course, it'll just be enough hours to pay the basics, so I'm still accepting donations to the Sherry & Addy Go To NYC and Become Poor Grad Student & Devoted Doggie Fund [which I've noticed is embarrassingly low--not suggesting anything, just merely commenting *cheeky grin*] I'm still trying to decide if this is the route to go [more hours, more stable, less hard work] or go back to waitressing [more late hours, but better $$/hour] decisions, decisions. It would be so much better if I could find a job with the work load of Borders and the hourly pay of waitressing at an upscale joint. But I guess I should just shut it, as that's what most of us want!

On a bleh note, I'm sick, not bad, just a cold with really bad sinus pain and pressure and I've lost my voice--well, it's really scratchy and hurts when I talk. It's a chilly [mid 40'sF] and overcast/rainy weekend, so staying in bed [okay wrapped in blankies on the couch], snuggling with the pupcicle isn't such a bad thing...


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