06 December 2008

Good-bye Sweet Stella....

Unfortunately, I have some very sad news. My beloved, Stella has died. I know she wasn't with me long, but the heaviness that is in my heart is undescribable.

I didn't think anything would be harder than leaving her in Texas, but now I realize that the hardest thing is going home and she won't be there to greet me with that goofy, lopsided grin with her tongue hanging out.

There's so much I want to say, but nothing wants to come out....

Good-bye, my sweet Stella-bella--Momma loves you and home just won't be the same without you...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry for your loss. She was a lucky pet to have you as her parent. Macy will lick you plenty if you need some loving when you come home. We love you tons, The Jenschkes