15 February 2010

Time Flies...

It's hard to believe, but exactly three years ago today, I brought home the darling princess Addy.
Of course, it was initially for a trial-run--depending on if she got along with Stella...and whether she would answer to a new name (originally she was Bella....but c'mon, I couldn't have a Stella and a Bella). However, I think we all knew the minute she stepped foot in the apartment, I was in for the long haul...and now I can't even imagine my life without her.
Yep, that's my baby.


My Kinda Valentines Day...

Valentines, schmalentines....

After a brief stint at work, where one of my lovely baristas made my day with a HUGE kiss--of the Hershey's variety!, I headed over to Toy Fair to meet up with Emily & David. After spending the day exploring all the latest in cool toys--and collecting a few samples along the way--we were invited out to dinner at Arno by one of Emily's vendors. Delicious italian food, good wine, great conversation...and at the end? The coat check attendant gave Emily & I each a red rose. Awww...we fawned. David declared that sometimes is sucks to be a boy.

Yes, David sometimes it does.


06 February 2010

Oh Saturday...

...please come back! How I enjoyed my day off--obviously, I'm blogging about it.

I didn't get half the stuff done that I wanted, but I did manage to do some laundry and grocery shopping...so all in all, I'd call today a success, with the exception that it's now over--and i'm back to the real (work/school/work/school/work/sleep/work/school/etc) world....


Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow....

Ahhh...there's something magical about being curled up on the couch with the pupcicle watching it snow.

Yes, I realize it sounds crazy, but I love it. And not just because I have a rare day off tomorrow (not that i'm off...I already have tons of homework), but still...perhaps it's just knowing I don't have to get off the island of staten or even leave the house is the true magic...